Rewolucja czy ewolucja? Co zrównoważony rozwój oznacza dla naszej uczelni

Place of the event: Franciszkańska 1/5, Pałac Biedermanna
When: 17 October 2024 (Thursday) 18:00 - 20:00

Reflection on the directions of sustainable development of universities, reducing the consumption of animal products, as well as the possibility of stopping animal experiments –these are the topics that will be discussed during the event "Revolution or evolution? What does sustainable development mean for our university". The event (in Polish) will be held on Thursday, 17 October 1 at 6:00 p.m. at the Biedermann’s Palace.

The University of Lodz’s commitment to activities related to the so-called animal liberation movement and care for our planet will be discussed by: 

The discussion will be moderated by Bartosz Zając who is an activist of the Otwarte Klatki Association, coordinator of the Social Coalition “Stop Industrial Farms”. For over a year, as part of the undercover project “Bez słońca”, he has documented the conditions on Polish farms. The collected material was included in the collective publication "HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene" and in numerous campaigns of pro-animal organisations.

The discussion "Revolution or Evolution?..." will cover such topics as:

  • plant-based collective nutrition – including the health and ecological benefits that this solution brings – and its place in the sustainable development strategy;
  • ethical and scientific aspects of the use of animals in research and alternatives to animal testing, such as in vitro methods, computer modelling or organ-on-chip.

Those taking part in the discussion will look at the role of education in shaping knowledge about interspecies relationships. They will analyse the costs, methods of implementation and long-term effects of introducing plant-based nutrition and abandoning animal testing.

The panel discussion is an event accompanying the exhibition "HIDDEN – Animals in the Anthropocene", which can be seen at the university gallery Wozownia at the Biedermann’s Palace until 20 October of the current year.


Source, photos, edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

Place of the event: Franciszkańska 1/5, Pałac Biedermanna

Date and time of the event: 17 October 2024 (Thursday) 18:00 - 20:00

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