Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa wokół twórczości Benedetta Crocego i Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego

The international scientific conference "Benedetto Croce and Gustaw Herling-Grudziński: Between Literature, History, Philosophy, and Linguistics. Interdisciplinary Conference" will be held at the seat of the Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome on 27-28 March 2025. It is co-organised by, among others, the University of Lodz. Abstracts of papers can be submitted until 31 January 2025.


The aim of the conference is to create a forum for discussion and the exchange of ideas and experiences, among Polish and Italian scholars from various humanities disciplines such as literature, history, philosophy, linguistics and related fields. The conference will focus on two monumental figures who were fundamental to cultural relations between Italy and Poland in the 20th century: Benedetto Croce, a philosopher and representative of Italian liberal thought and idealistic historicism, and Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, a writer, a dissident, a former Gulag prisoner and soldier in General Władysław Anders’ Polish Corps. 

Anyone interested in literature, history, philosophy and linguistics, especially in the context of the work of Benedetto Croce and Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, can take part in conference that will be held at the Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome in March 2025. Abstracts in Italian or English must be submitted by 31 January 2025 to the following e-mail address: croceherling2025@gmail.com, with the note "Croce-Herling Conference 2025". Information about selected presentations will be sent to participants by 10 February 2025.

The contributions should be related, among other things, to the following topics:

  • Croce in Polish writings before and after 1989: between classical liberalism and neo-Hegelian historicism,
  • Herling-Grudziński in Italy: tracing the writer in exile,
  • Croce and Herling-Grudziński: translation, reception, interpretation,
  • Croce in the biography of writings of Herling-Grudziński: between history, literature, and memory. 

The conference will conclude with an open debate involving scholars and translators of the works of both authors in Poland and Italy. Selected papers will be published in a post-conference volume. The event is organised in cooperation with the University of Lodz (UŁ) and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (UKSW).
More information on the conference can be found in the downloadable materials listed below.


Date and time of the conference: 27 March 2025 (Thursday) 00:00 - 28 March 2025 (Friday) 00:00

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