Prestiżowe wyróżnienie dla dr. Damiana Bębnowskiego z Wydziału Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznego

Dr Damian Bębnowski has been awarded the prestigious Franciszek Bujak Prize by the Polish Association of Economic History for the best book in the area of economic and social history in Poland. The distinction was awarded for the monograph entitled "The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights. The German Economy in 1990–2015". In 2023, the work was recognized with the Rector's Award of the University of Lodz.

This year the jury of the 7th edition of the Competition for the best book in the field of economic and social history published in 2022–2023 awarded the Prize and two distinctions.

The prize went to Dr Barbara Wywiał (Jagiellonian University) for her book "Fenomen Szkoły Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej Franciszka Bujaka" (Kraków: Jagiellonian University, Jagiellonian Library: Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing House, 2023).


Dr Damian Bębnowski (University of Lodz) for the book "The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights. The German Economy in 1990–2015" (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022).

Dr Krzysztof Popiński (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business) for the book "Wąsosz: historia miasta i gminy" (Wroclaw:Gajt Publishing House, 2022).

The prize and distinctions were presented during the annual conference of Polish economic historians: 19th Wrocław Meeting with Economic History in Sobótka, 24–26 May 2024. The diplomas were presented by the President of the Management Board of the Polish Association of Economic History, Prof. Tadeusz Janicki (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań), and the laudation was delivered by the Vice-President of the Management Board of the Polish Association of Economic History, Prof. Cecylia Leszczyńska (University of Warsaw).

Official announcement of the Jury (in Polish)