I nagroda w konkursie firmy StatSoft dla absolwenta EkSoc UŁ

Mateusz Wasielewski, a student of Econometrics and Data Analytics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz, has won the first prize in the category of MA and BA theses in the StatSoft Polska Competition (2024 edition). The competition recognizes the best works prepared using statistics and data analysis tools included in the programmes from the Statistica family

The supervisor of the awarded paper entitled "Próba oceny zależności między poziomem imigracji i poziomem przestępczości na przykładzie wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej" [An attempt to assess the relationship between the level of immigration and the level of crime on the example of selected European Union countries] is Dr Małgorzata Misztal from the Department of Statistical Methods at the University of Lodz.


Detailed information about the competition is available on the organiser's website: StatSoft Polska –competition results (in Polish).