Podsumowanie konferencji: Kryzys suicydalny i co dalej? – profilaktyka zachowań samobójczych wśród uczennic i uczniów

Teachers, psychologists and representatives of the City of Lodz Office met to discuss suicidal crises among children and youth. The conference "Kryzys suicydalny i co dalej?" [Suicidal Crisis and what next?], which was held on 13 February 2025 at the at the Urban Activity Factory, was organised by the Lodz University Press (in cooperation with Agata Kobylińska – the Mayor of Lodz’s Representative and the Urban Activity Office).

The event was created with young people in mind, but also with people who work with them. Parents, legal guardians, educators and psychologists have a significant impact on shaping the mental health of those under their care. That is why it is so important to deepen the topic of suicidal crisis and select the appropriate tools to counteract it.

Speakers during the conference included:

  • Rafał Szmajda, a physician, who spoke about what a suicidal crisis is and how professionals can work together to support children and young people;
  • Jan Grobelny from the GrowSPACE Foundation, who presented mental health statistics;
  • Agata Kobylińska, Representative for Children and Youth of the Mayor of the City of Lodz;
  • Marta Nowacka, coordinator for counteracting discrimination, mobbing and other undesirable behaviours, dealing with the prevention of suicidal behaviours, operating at the Support and Accessibility Centre at the University of Lodz;
  • Elżbieta Płaszczyk, Deputy Director of the Education Department in Lodz, drawing attention to the ways of counteracting the suicidal crisis;
  • Dr Agnieszka Jaros and Dr Magdalena Staniaszek, who talked about the publication "Chcę żyć! Żyć inaczej. Techniki wspierania ucznia w kryzysie suicydalnym" [I want to live! Live differently. Techniques for supporting a student in a suicidal crisis]. This book which inspired the event. 

The discussion was opened by Adam Pustelnik, First Deputy Mayor of the City of Lodz and it was moderated by Marta Szymczyk (Nieszablonowa pedagożka).

The conference was attended by teachers from schools in the Lodz Voivodeship.
Photo: The City of Lodz Office