Przewodnik dla przedsiębiorstw społecznych – międzynarodowy projekt UŁ

How to set up a company and run it successfully? The main goals of the international project SENIMA (Social Enterprises Management), which is directed by Prof. Izabela Warwas (Head of the Department of Labour and Social Policy, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz) include dissemination of crucial knowledge, and tools necessary to set up and run a business activity as well as support in the key phases of development. Scientists, thanks to the prepared training syllabus, by indicating appropriate steps, will help social entrepreneurs plan and take relevant activities.

A 4-module training syllabus will be created as part of the project. It will cover the following issues:

  • business models and legal forms of social enterprises;
  • innovations in the social sector;
  • finances management in social enterprises;
  • management and social enterprises.

The training syllabus together with case studies and practical tools for social entrepreneurs will constitute a basis of an online course (e-platform). After completing the course, the entrepreneurs will obtain certificates. Currently, we are at the stage of creating the syllabus.

– explains mgr Monika Gzik from the project team.

The project that supports social entrepreneurship has been implemented at the University of Lodz (2021-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000033108) since February 2022. The project team includes: dr hab. Renata Lisowska, UL Professor from the Faculty of Management (Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy), Dr Iwa Kuchciak from the Department of Banking, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, mgr Monika Gzik (Department of Labour and Social Policy) and mgr Magdalena Kowalska from the Department of Business Analysis and Strategy, Faculty of Economics and Sociology.

It’s very important for us to develop external relations – relations with social enterprises – and exchange experiences between partners, including not only academics, but also market practitioners, business environment institutions or consultancies. Thanks to that we can realise our third mission. Simultaneously, we ensure participation of students in international activities and create up-to-date materials, which take into account international context, to be used during the classes (case studies).

– concludes prof. Izabela Warwas.

The project consortium brings together six various partner organisations: University of Lodz (coordinator), Cyprus (LT Synergy LTD), Hungary (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Csongrad-Csanád County), Greece (EUROCERT), Italy (PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l.). 

The consortium partners have the opportunity to take part in an innovative transnational project, which will serve as a comprehensive guide for social enterprises and an opportunity to enhance their skills and expertise, which they can in turn pass on to other stakeholders. 

More about the project
FB Department of Labour and Social Policy, University of Lodz 

Source: dr hab. Izabela Warwas, UL Professor, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz
Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz