Nagroda dla mgr. Ludwika Boguckiego i prof. Tomasza Miziołka

Mgr Ludwik Bogucki, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Lodz, has won the 3rd prize in the 19th edition of the Verba Veritatis National Competition for the best work in the field of business ethics, category: Master's theses. Mgr Bogucki was the only representative of the University of Lodz among the winners of the competition. The supervisor of the thesis was Prof. Tomasz Miziołek from the Department of International Finance and Investments at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz.

Mgr Bogucki received the award for his work entitled "Inwestowanie zrównoważone na przykładzie akcyjnych funduszy ETF z ekspozycją na rynki wschodzące" [Sustainable investing using the example of equity ETF funds with exposure to emerging markets].

The announcement of the results and the award ceremony in the 19th edition of the Verba Veritatis Competition for the best work in the field of business ethics took place on 12 December 2024 in Warsaw during the Financial Institutions Congress.

The Competition Jury, chaired by Professor Bolesław Roek from Kozminski University, selected, from 41 entries, the 10 best entries in three main categories and awarded two Diversity Awards and two Special Awards.

The total prize pool, including Diversity Awards and Special Awards, amounted to PLN 19,000.

Source: Association of Financial Companies in Poland (ZFP)